Carte du monde vierge

The Declaration in the world 

Since the launch of the Declaration, organisations' statements, events, publications and new milestones have built up, echoing as a single voice in every part of the world.

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INTERDECOM −The Declaration Newsletter is born! Welcome to HORIZONS ECHOES!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of HORIZONS ECHOESthe Declaration newsletter, celebrating vitality, resilience, and commitment to ethical and unified communication from all over the world in the face of the ongoing upheavals of our time.

“HORIZONS ECHOES champions values that bring us closer together”, says Solange Tremblay, President of Interdecom and Editor-in-Chief of the newsletter. "Solidarity is at the heart of HORIZONS ECHOES. Creating it has been a wonderful journey alongside Tina Cipot, Co-Publisher, and president of PRSS, and Thierry Libaert, our Associate advisor, and VP of Interdecom.

Stay close! Stay tuned!  Read its first issue here!



ORBI INFO − Publication of an article in English, French and Spanish highlighting ORBICOM's impactful leadership since the creation of the Declaration.

“Through ORBICOM's pivotal leadership since its inception, the Declaration’s call was swiftly heard globally, with vibrant support from UNESCO Chairs in Communication and associated members", the article points out.

Against a backdrop of worsening global crises, uncertainties and profound vulnerabilities, this powerful unifying force in communications should continue to expand together with allies and partners in all regions of the world, states the article (pages10-12).


Global Commitment - Latin America Resonates

INTERDECOM −  Strong response to the worldwide Declaration for a healthier world in Latin America

The strong response of the Latin American communications organisations to the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World shown from the very first days, is still very much alive throughout the region. Up to now, forty-four organisations have committed to use their communications role and expertise for a healthier future.



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COMING − The Communication Institute of Greece endorses the Declaration

The Communication Institute of Greece, an international association of academics, researchers, students, and professionals, joins the worldwide mobilization of communicators, pledging to work for a healthier, viable and better world. Founder and president, Margarita Kefalaki, and members have committed to putting their role, expertise and bonds of solidarity to build a healthier future alongside the communication community around the world.

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INTERDECOM − Important milestone reached in Africa in the worldwide communication mobilization for a healthier world

An important milestone has been reached in Africa in the global mobilization of communicators as over 15 communication organisations are now signatories of the Declaration. Among them, national and regional associations, research chairs, educational institutions, media, information platforms, consulting firms.

Gathering professional and academic groups committed to using their expertise and bonds of solidarity to fulfill the vision of a future that protects nature and celebrates our humanity, this crucial pledge unites groups from different parts of Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Southern Africa, Senegal, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tunisia, Burundi, Malawi, Maroc, Uganda.



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INTERDECOM − Enlarging our worldwide communication commitment through all adversities

Dedicated to Public Relations and Sustainability, the 30th anniversary of BLEDCOM – the International Public Relations Research Symposium – invited Solange Tremblay - INTERDECOM president, to open the Research Focus on ‘Emergence and Evolution of Sustainable Development Communication Practices’. This was a major opportunity to salute the ‘International Declaration for a Healthier, Viable, Better World’ for its worldwide mobilization of solidarity among communication organisations in the face of the global emergencies of our time : “As climate disruption intensifies and global threats increase, this worldwide surge of solidarity that channels knowledge, expertise and the promise of unity through all adversities […] is increasingly  essential to guide our societies towards building a safer world", she stated.


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INTERDECOM − A major milestone has been reached.

INTERDECOM is pleased to announce that an important milestone has been reached in the worldwide mobilization of communicators for a healthier world. United in a commitment of solidarity through all adversities, 150 communication organisations from every part of the globe are now signatories of the Declaration.




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ACACIA − The Asociación de Consultores y Agencias de Comunicación Interna de la Argentina adheres to the International Declaration of Communication Researchers and Practitioners

ACACIA, the Asociación de Consultores y Agencias de Comunicación Interna de la Argentina, has endorsed the International Declaration for a healthier, viable and better world.  "ACACIA is proud to be part of this worldwide surge of solidarity among communication specialists and invites all communicators to join this mobilizing initiative," said Carlos Wirth, President.



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AUCO − The Uruguayan Association of Organizational Communication endorses the Declaration for a healthier, viable and better world

The Uruguayan Association of Organizational Communication (AUCO) endorses the Declaration of researchers and communication professionals for a healthier, viable and better world, and commits its work and voice to responsible, honest and transparent communication, strengthening the international community, and to honour active listening and dialogue. "We adhere to the  Declaration and commit to promoting its important values alongside the international community of communicators," Dra. Mónica Arzuaga, Presidente.



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INTERDECOM − Celebrating two years of countless contributions in communications

The Declaration was launched two years ago in the midst of the turmoil of the pandemic, the climate crisis and the continued upheavals of our times. Two years later in an increasingly fragile world, the vast mobilization still goes on, playing a positive and unifying role in our extended community, and gathering strength and numbers among communicators who pledge universal solidarity through all adversities, in all parts of the world.

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INTERDECOM − Over 30 national and regional communication associations united behind the Declaration

The mobilization for unity through all adversities continues to spread in strength and numbers among communicators throughout the planet. And over 30 national and regional communication associations are now united behind the commitment to work with one voice for a healthier world in every part of the globe.

‧ ADC (Asociación de Consultoras de Comunicación) – España 
‧ American Women in Public Relations–USA 
Asociación Mexicana de Comunicadores (AMCO)
Associação Brasileira das Agências de Comunicação (ABRACOM)
‧ Association des professionnels de la communication - Nouvelle-Aquitaine (APACOM) 
‧ Association of Public Relations of the Slovak Republic 
‧ Ati.Unión agencias de triple impacto – Latin America 
Canadian Public Relations Society
‧ Canadian Women in Public Relations

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                                                                                    COM-ENT France 
‧ Communication Consultancies Association of Turkey-IDA 
‧ DNS (Do Not Smile) – Europe 
East African Communication Association (EACA)   
Federación Iberoamericana de Comunicación Interna (FIDECI) 
‧ Federazione Relazioni Pubbliche Italiana (FERPI)
‧ IABC QC Québec 
‧ Komunikacijos industrijos asociacija (KIA) Lithunia   
‧ Magyar Public Relations Szövetség (HuPRA) Hungary 
‧ PR Suisse – Schweizerischer
‧ ProCom – Finnish Association of Communication Professionals
‧ Public Relations Consultants Association of India (PRCAI)
‧ Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA)
‧ Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ)
‧ Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA)
‧ Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)                      ‧ Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK)
‧ Public Relation Society of Slovenia
‧ Public Relations Society of Tanzania (PRST)
‧ REDIRP – Red Iberoamericana de Relaciones Públicas 
‧ Sveriges Kommunikatörer – Sweden
‧ Turkish Public Relations Association (TÜHİD) 


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INTERDECOM − A new milestone has been reached

INTERDECOM is very pleased to announce that the global mobilization for a healthier world has reached a new milestone: 140 communication organizations from all regions of the world are now united behind the Declaration, bringing together a large community of professional and scientific communication societies from over 40 countries.

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WCFA − WCFA signs the Declaration on Responsible Communications

The World Communications Forum Association has signed the Declaration, urging its members worldwide to use their communication expertise in response to the biggest threats of our time.

We are proud to support this Declaration and mobilize ourselves into a stronger community of communication professionals in the face of the most serious global crisis we have experienced in over a century. Now it is our responsibility to commit to ethical and trustworthy communication and use its power to ensure that no community in the world is forgotten,” said Maxim Behar, President.



Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK)

PRSK − A Call to Action: The UNESCO Declaration

The Public Relations Society of Kenya joins the worldwide mobilization in communication and asks everyone to unite under the Declaration's call to action.

I ask that we work together to make the Declaration more visible. Let us have a vision that embodies the changes to create a healthier, more viable and better future in every corner of our planet“, said  Dr. Wilfred Marube, President.



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ORBICOM − United behind the International Declaration, global communication groups seek a new wave of solidarity (Joint Press Release)

"ORBICOM is proud to be closely associated with this ongoing mobilization of communications specialists and academics. In the face of multiplying global crises, all our synergies and solidarity are needed to help in building a healthier world.

Faced with global issues of such a magnitude, this unifying mobilization must expand in every part of the world. We encourage our larger communication community to show their solidarity to all the signatories that have joined us from Latin America, Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and Australia during this first year. Strength in numbers remains a determining factor," Oumar Kane, Secretary General.


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ICCO − United behind the International Declaration, global communication groups seek a new wave of solidarity (Joint Press Release)

"As our fragile world is fighting the ongoing pandemic and the continuous assault of the climate crisis; accurate, fact-based, sound and inclusive communications need to be advocated on a daily basis in all parts of the world.

In these unprecedented times, a strong, unified voice, echoing ethical and humanist values, must mobilize and strengthen our communication forces throughout the globe. ICCO is proud to embrace this ‘one voice’ Declaration," Nitin Mantri, President.


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BLEDCOM − United behind the International Declaration, global communication groups seek a new wave of solidarity (Joint Press Release)

"Trustworthy, ethical, inclusive, and respectful communication is a critical daily issue in our hypercomplex world that faces the major global threats of our time: climate change, pandemics, migrations, as well as infodemics and misinformation.

Scholars, teachers and practitioners in communication have a shared responsibility to address them in a unified way and the Declaration articulates our commitment. BledCom fully supports this major call for unity," Dejan Verčič, BledCom Co-founder.


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EUPRERA − United behind the International Declaration, global communication groups seek a new wave of solidarity (Joint Press Release)

"Current challenges, from pandemic to climate change, require a new and strong awareness of the role of communication. Of a clear, competent, truthful communication.

EUPRERA will continue to strongly support the Declaration, because it is in line with its mission to educate to quality communication with solid scientific foundations," Stefania Romenti, President.

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GLOBAL ALLIANCE − United behind the International Declaration, global communication groups seek a new wave of solidarity (Joint Press Release)

“ It is essential to unite the global public relations and communications community when taking an active role in leading public information campaigns, helping people understand and share knowledge on the major global risks of our time, such as the pandemic and the climate crisis.

Together, we can build a new global community of respect, truth, knowledge, peace, inclusiveness, and justice for all.    For this every reason, is why Global Alliance and I as President fully support this Declaration,” Justin Green, President and CEO.


IPRA endorsed transparent

IPRA − United behind the International Declaration, global communication groups seek a new wave of solidarity (Joint Press Release)

" One year on, we are proud to have supported this Declaration. Public relations professionals have a clear responsibility to commit to transparent communication and support a better post-pandemic world.

Communicators are by nature bridge builders, door openers and enablers of mutual understanding. That's why we are embracing these commitments and salute the success of this initiative of the international team behind the Declaration and the immediate support of our UNESCO colleagues," Etsuko Tsugihara, President.



INTERDECOM − Seven global professional and scientific organisations join forces for the Declaration

ORBICOM−International Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication, IPRA, GLOBAL ALLIANCE, EUPRERA, ICCO, BLEDCOM, alongside INTERDECOM, join forces to expand the reach of the Declaration in all regions of the world.

After one year of a global mobilization bringing together a worldwide community of communicators, they are now launching a second wave of commitment, urging communication groups across the globe to use their expertise and bonds of solidarity to address the worldwide threats in a united way.

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WEB - 25 Associations 17-01-22

INTERDECOM − The Declaration reaches a new milestone among professional communications associations

The International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World reaches a new milestone among professional communication associations at national and regional levels.  From Spain to Brazil, Turkey to Finland, Tanzania to India, Canada to Australia, over 25 professional communications associations have endorsed the same commitment to fight with one voice against the pandemic and the ongoing violence of the climate crisis.

Signatories here  ↗↗

↗ Signatories

ADC (Asociación de Consultoras de Comunicación) – España American Women in Public Relations – USA ‧ Asociación Mexicana de Comunicadores (AMCO) Associação Brasileira das Agências de Comunicação (ABRACOM) Association des professionnels de la communication/Nouvelle-Aquitaine (APACOM) ‧ Ati.Unión agencias de triple impacto – Latin America Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Canadian Women in Public Relations COM-ENT France Communication Consultancies Association of Turkey (IDA) ‧ DNS (Do Not Smile) – Europe Federación Iberoamericana de Comunicación Interna (FIDECI) IABC QC Québec Magyar Public Relations Szövetség (HuPRA) ‧ PR Suisse – Schweizerischer ‧ ProCom – Finnish Association of Communication Professionals Public Relations Consultants Association of India (PRCAI) Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA) Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) Public Relations Society of Tanzania (PRST) REDIRP – Red Iberoamericana de Relaciones Públicas Sveriges Kommunikatörer Turkish Public Relations Association (TÜHİD)                              (18-01-2022)

PRCAI Logo Rapetissé

PRCAI − PRCAI joins the worldwide mobilization of communicators for a healthier world

India’s largest PR professional body, Public Relations Consultants Association of India, becomes the first signatory of the Declaration in India. “PRCAI is proud to join its voice to this worldwide solidarity that harnesses the power of our combined communication skills and knowledge around the ethical, transparent and trustworthy role of communication. PRCAI commits to use its expertise to help restore hope in our society and redefine our vision of a better future," declared Deeptie Sethi, CEO of PRCA, while inviting all public relations practitioners, agencies and corporate communicators to join and support its values in their mission and all their activities. (23-12-2021)

ICCO Global Summit

INTERDECOM − Shaping our communication legacy in an era of devastating global crises

During the ICCO Global Summit 2021 "Embracing the Future", organized by the International Communications Consultancy Organisation in London on November 17-18, Solange Tremblay (Interdecom) stressed the importance of strengthening the bonds of solidarity between researchers and communication professionals. Her presentation entitled "Our communication legacy in an era of devastating global crises" highlighted the value of a unified commitment of communicators to fuel social resilience, inclusion and action, and work for a healthier future.

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ADC − The Asociación de Consultoras de Comunicación joins INTERDECOM's initiative for a better, healthier, more viable world

Through its commitment, the Spanish Association of Communication Agencies recognizes the central role of communications in rebuilding hope in our societies and redefining a vision for a healthier future.  "The crisis caused by the pandemic made it clear that the lack of trustworthy communication accessible to all is currently a major obstacle. It is initiatives like this that bring into focus the fundamental role that communication and public relations agencies have in ethical, genuine and transparent communication, while showing the need to carry out these measures in a joint and unified manner," Ludi García, president of ADC.   (17-11-2021)

Amérique Latine carte géographique gratuite complète

INTERDECOM - Three Latin American associations commit to the values of the Declaration for a healthier world.

Three Latin American associations of communication specialists have signed the Declaration and committed themselves to the values for a healthier world. The Asociación Mexicana de Comunicadores (AMCO), the Red Iberoamericana de Relaciones Públicas (REDIRP) and the Federación Iberoamericana de Comunicación Interna (FIDECI) have joined the global mobilization.

By signing the Declaration, they add their voices to those of many national and international professional associations that have also pledged their support to this global movement. (18-10-2021)

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INTERDECOM - Great news from Africa!

Two African PR professional associations −the Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) and the Public Relations Society of Tanzania (PRST)− are now signatories of the Declaration.

They join the UNESCO Chair in Community Radio for Agricultural Education, the UNESCO Chair in Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources, as well as educational institutions and specialized groups in different countries, giving a stronger voice to communication practitioners and researchers in Africa.        (04-10-2021)

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INTERDECOM - The Declaration passes the 40-COUNTRY MARK.

The Declaration has now passed the 40-COUNTRY MARK, with an established presence for a healthier world in all regions of the globe: Europe - Latin America - Africa - Asia - North America - Australia. This unified commitment has been adopted by more than 100 professional and scientific communications organizations throughout the world, including major international/global associations, chairs in communication, national PR associations, observatories, study groups, research centers, PR consulting agencies, learned societies, information platforms, communication departments... (28-09-2021)

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PRIA PRIA In step towards a better world.

The Public Relations Institute of Australia commits to taking steps to build a better world. As a PROUD SIGNATORY, the PRIA invites its members to engage in the actions of this important commitment, in support of the call made by Oumar Kane, Secretary-General of ORBICOM – the International Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication: "The pandemic requires the broadest possible global solidarity. We share the conviction that organizations dedicated to communication have an important role to play in this current crisis". (20-09-2021)

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INTERDECOM - The Declaration is now available in GREEK.

The Declaration now exists in GREEK. After French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, English, Turkish and Dutch, a 9th language is now dedicated to our Greek-speaking colleagues in communication around the world. Thanks to the Sympraxis Team agency in Athens for its valuable contribution to the development of this new version. (25-09-2021)

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INTERDECOM - The mobilization spreads to a new region.

The Declaration has just reached another region of the globe. After Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and North America, the mobilization now extends to Australia.

Very warm welcome to our Australian colleagues! (20-09-2021)

IPRA endorsed transparent

IPRA - Message from the IPRA President: A call to action - September 2021.

As September brings us back to our responsibilities after the summer break with its countless losses caused by the disasters of this short season, and with the 4th wave of Covid-19 sweeping the planet, a strong message from Philippe Borremans, President of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), invites us to new hope, resilience and positiveness while launching the new campaign: PROUD SIGNATORY – JOIN THE COMMITMENT.

"Faced with this disturbing picture, we must refuse to be powerless, for we are a community of communication expertise. Such expertise is a strength that should allow us to look to a future with resilience and hope", Philippe Borremans, IPRA President. (09-09-21)


INTERDECOM - The Declaration has now a DUTCH version!

Many thanks to Phillippe Borremans, President of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), for his invaluable assistance in the development of a Dutch version, which has been added to the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, English and Turkish languages already circulating around the world.

With this 8th version, the Declaration continues to have a wider reach in many countries.


APACOM - APACOM, the first French communication association to commit to " a healthier, more viable and better world.

APACOM is proud to have been the first French professional association to sign the Declaration, which reminds us of the key role that communication has to play to accompany societies towards a way out of the crisis.

By signing the Declaration, APACOM wishes to bring its voice and its influence to large-scale projects, on a national and international scale, carrying the message of a more sustainable world. (16-07-21)


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INTERDECOM − The International Declaration at the Global PR and Communication Forum − BLEDCOM 2021.

The International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World was part of the Opening Session of the prestigious BLEDCOM global public relations forum on July 2.

Gathering numerous academics and practitioners devoted to the pandemic and the climate emergency during this 28th International edition, BLEDCOM was a privileged forum to salute the global commitment underway in the communications community to address the most urgent problems that relentlessly assault our world. As Solange Tremblay, lead author, stated, "Our specialities, geographical and cultural differences should be considered as wisdom hubs, rich in knowledge and unique insights, to be pooled to find common solutions to global problems".



INTERDECOM − 10 professional communication associations have signed the Declaration.

The mobilisation is going on in the professional and scientific communication community worldwide. Already 10 professional communication associations have endorsed the unified commitment to help build a healthier world:

Turkish Public Relations Association (TÜHİD) ·  Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS)  · Communication Consultancies Association of Turkey (IDA)  ·  ProCom – Finnish Association of Communication Professionals  ·        Magyar Public Relations Szövetség (HuPRA)  ·  IABC QC  · APACOM–Association des professionnels de la communication/Nouvelle-Aquitaine  ·   PR suisse – Schweizerischer Public Relations Verband (SPRV)  ·          Com-Ent  ·   Sveriges Kommunikatörer

NORA - visual - Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management

#NORA − NORA signs global declaration, joining major international mobilization in communication to tackle the pandemic and the climate crisis.

In the face of the unprecedented pandemic and the climate crisis attacking every region of the Earth, the Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management has endorsed the Declaration, committing to applying its knowledge and know-how in communication to the service of a healthier, more viable and better world.

"These dangers plaguing our time have become the number one issue for communicators, says Alexander Buhmann, Director of NORA.  Everyone in our extended community should value the importance of unity and cohesion of all forces in communication on a global scale. "

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Global Alliance −Mobilization and global engagement in communication: the focus of a presentation during the Global Alliance's Education and Training Month.

Solange Tremblay (Interdecom) and Steve Connor (CEO, Creative Concern, UK) hosted a presentation on communicators' roles and responsibilities in addressing the numerous issues raised by the pandemic and the climate crisis, during the Global Alliance’s month offered to support communicators through the COVID-19 crisis. They emphasized the solidarity that is developing for a common commitment within the international communications community to stimulate the necessary transition to a healthier world to help solve these major issues.  ”We need to be actors of change ”, they stated.

Global Alliance Education Month
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PROCOM − ProCom joins the international commitment in communication for a healthier, viable, better world.

The Finnish professional public relations community adds its voice to the importance of a unified worldwide commitment between professionals and researchers in communication.

In the face of the pandemic and the global climate crisis hitting every part of the world, PROCOM publicly commits to shouldering its responsibility to help redefine our vision of a better future, one that cares for nature and our humanity.  ”Faced with these unparalleled global threats, our world needs unity, solidarity and new hopes for tomorrow, says Elina Melgin, ProCom’s CEO. And the Finnish professional public relations community strongly commits to help nurture resilience and to work together for a healthier world for all”.

Orbicom Orbicom


ORBICOM − Support from UNESCO Chairs and ORBICOM network to the international mobilization for a healthier world.

Oumar Kane, the Declaration’s sponsor and Secretary-General of ORBICOM the international Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication, is pleased to announce that numerous UNESCO Chairs in Communication and several groups associated with its members' network have signed the Declaration. With many other organizations, they are ''echoing the universal message of commitment and resilience that the Declaration carries", says Oumar Kane who strongly encourages all the professional and scientific organizations − observatories, study groups, professional associations, research centers, PR and Communication agencies, learned societies, specialized networks, information platforms, communication departments − to join this unified mobilization around the world.

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BLEDCOM −BledCom is the proud signatory of the 'International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World'.

As our world faces the global imperatives of pandemic and climate crisis, BledCom strongly believes in the role of communications to help build a healthier future. ‘’Our societies need both professional and scientific knowledge and know-how in communication and in the face of these threats, every group in communication around the world − professional and scientific − should support and endorse this mobilization’’, says Dejan Verčič, Co-founder.


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EUPRERA − EUPRERA, INTERDECOM and 10 international communication societies call for ethical and effective communications to handle Covid-19 global pandemic.

On April 15, 2021, at the invitation of EUPRERA, 12 international professional and academic associations of public relations and communicators, including INTERDECOM, have launched a statement for ethical, honest and effective Communication to address Covid-19 Pandemic, stating forcefully that "Communication saves lives".

EUPRERA Covid Statement - Supporters


RESIPROC − RESIPROC signs an international declaration to commit communications to a healthier, sustainable, better world.

The 'Réseau international sur la professionnalisation des communicateurs' joins other major associations and international organizations in signing the 'International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World'.

By signing this declaration, RESIPROC commits ''to support our societies in this necessary transition towards a healthier, more viable and better world''.


OBCOMP A commitment of responsibility in information and communication for a better world.

The Observatório de Comunicação Pública has endorsed the Declaration. By supporting its values and joining a growing mobilization around the world, the Observatório shares the importance of an open, participatory, united, plural and responsible communication and underlines the responsibility of information and communication for a better world.


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RPSF/PRWB Relations publiques sans frontières / Public Relations Without Borders commits to a better future.

More determined than ever to strengthen the cohesion of communication forces on an international scale, Relations publiques sans frontières / Public Relations Without Borders is proud to become a signatory of the Declaration and to commit its expertise in communication for a better future, caring for Nature and our Humanity.

Magyar Public Relations Szövetség

MPRSZ − The Magyar Public Relations Szövetség joins the mobilization for a healthier world.

“The commitments made in the declaration are important elements in shaping our future, in which the responsibility of communication actors is indisputable. The Hungarian association is 30 years old this year and our slogan, “2021 a year of dialogue”, is closely related to the Declaration”, said president, András Sztaniszláv. "In 2020, PR professionals have already demonstrated the scale of their efforts, learned from the situation and turned the communications profession towards a more ethical and sustainable world. By joining the mobilization around the Declaration, the MPRSZ demonstrates its commitment to global solidarity”.


INTERDECOM −The Declaration has now a 7th version!

After the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German and English versions of the Declaration already active around the world, a Turkish adaptation is now available. Thanks to our colleagues at TÜHİD, the Public Relations Association of Turkey, and several contributors for this new version which greatly expands the reach of this global mobilization for a healthier world.


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INTERDECOM − More than 10 major international and global communication associations have signed the Declaration.

A strong solidarity is unfolding between communication professionals and researchers around the world. Major international and global communication associations have signed the Declaration:

ORBICOM (International Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication) ‧ International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) ‧ International Public Relations Association (IPRA) ‧ Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management ‧ International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) ‧ Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) ‧ European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) ‧ International Environmental Communication Association (IECA) ‧ Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) ‧ International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) ‧ International Communication Association (ICA) ‧ International Public Relations Network (IPRN) ‧ European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).  More info on international organizations ▽ ▽


IABC − IABC Endorses Global Communications Mobilization

IABC has signed the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World. Committed to this global communications mobilization, IABC invites all its members and partners to adhere to its values and sign the Declaration.

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IDA − The Communication Consultancies Association of Turkey has signed the Declaration

"As the Communication Consultancies Association - IDA, we know that communication professionals have a serious power in building a better, healthier and livable world. In this sense, we are aware of our responsibilities stated in the Declaration. We promise that we will act in accordance with these values and responsibilities in the future.": IDA

Tühid - Türkiye Halkla İlişkiler Derneği

TÜHID − The Turkish Public Relations Association became the first NGO to sign the Declaration of the international Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication   

“The Covid-19 pandemic has been a difficult and educational process for the communications industry and all sectors. As always, it is among the principal duties of TÜHİD to engage in studies that will nurture communication and add value to our industry in these difficult times. We are delighted to sign the Declaration for a better world”: Gonca Karakaş, TÜHİD President.


EUPRERA −EUPRERA endorses UNESCO Declaration

"The specialists and scientists of this community publicly commit themselves to use their communication expertise to support our societies in the transition towards a healthier, more viable and better world. […] We encourage our colleagues, member universities, partner associations to adhere and to support this international declaration".

Canadian Public Relations Society petit

CANADIAN PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY (CPRS) CPRS support the International Declaration of Communication Professionals and Researchers for a Better World

The Canadian Public Relations Society officially endorses the 'International Declaration of Communication Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Sustainable and Better World', urging all communication professionals and researchers to make a solemn commitment "to work jointly and put [their] full energy into bringing people together, to make a healthier world possible towards a harmonious shift to a viable, better future."

IAMCR International Association for Media and Communication Research

IAMCR ORBICOM International Declaration

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) endorses the Declaration as a commitment to work with specialists and scientists of the communication community in supporting our societies in the necessary transition towards a healthier, more viable and better world.


CIPR − The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) signs UNESCO Chairs in Communications International Declaration

‘’ We are proud to support this Declaration and publicly embrace the commitments within it. […] We begin to now turn our attention to transitioning into a better, fairer, and sustainable world and understanding the responsibility that ethical, transparent, and reliable communication will play in its delivery. We will use this to hold ourselves to account.’’: CIPR President, Mandy Pearse.


PRGN − Public Relations Global Network Endorses UNESCO Declaration on a Healthier, Viable, Better World

The global communications group joins initiative calling for communications professionals to do their part in face of the global pandemic, climate emergency and future threats facing mankind. “By joining this declaration, I wish to express my sincere belief that members of our global network also do their share in solving local and global issues – be it the pandemic, climate change, racial equality, health and poverty or the lack of education – on the six continents where they are present.” : Robert Bauer, President of PRGN.

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GLOBAL ALLIANCE – The International Declaration in Communication for a Better World - A Strong Call for Commitment and Action –

As part of #EthicsMatters month, Global Alliance publishes an article by Solange Tremblay explaining the foundations of the call for engagement of communications professionals and researchers for a healthier world.

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GLOBAL ALLIANCE – Global Alliance endorses International Mobilisation in Communication

Global Alliance is a signatory to the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World.  ”At a time of fear, misinformation and fake news, the role of professional communicators in ensuring honest, transparent and reliable information is absolutely at the fore”: President Justin Green.

IPRA endorsed transparent

IPRA − IPRA endorses the Declaration

We are proud to support this declaration. Public relations professionals have a clear responsibility to commit to transparent communication and support a better post-pandemic world. Communicators are by nature bridge builders, door openers and enablers of mutual understanding: Philippe Borremans, IPRA President.


IPRA − How IPRA and UNESCO shaped the world of PR

In an article recalling how the fall of the Berlin wall sent ripples around the world of communication, former IPRA president (1988) and co-founder of ORBICOM (1994 - International Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication), Alain Modoux explains how IPRA and UNESCO shaped the world of public relations by promoting dialogue over conflict.

Noting the recent launch of the 'International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World', he declares: "This relationship remains relevant today. Orbicom’s 2021 declaration on communication endorsed by IPRA is here (link)". Key historical information to discover.


ICCO − The International Communications Consultancy Organisation signs UNESCO Declaration on Responsible Communications

“ICCO is proud to support this important UNESCO declaration on behalf of our members around the world. Accurate, fact-based communication is the foundation of effective public relations and we have a responsibility to uphold this. ICCO is committed to working with global institutions like ORBICOM to achieve progress.” Nitin Mantri, ICCO President

Cátedra da UNESCO / UMESP de Comunicação para o Desenvolvimento Regional


Cátedra da UNESCO/UMESP de Comunicação para o Desenvolvimento Regional  Support to  the Declaration

Cátedra da UNESCO/UMESP for Regional Development (Universida de Metodista de São Paulo) endorses the international Declaration for a healthier, viable, better world: an important initiative that aims to bring together researchers and communication professionals around one of the most important challenges of our time.

BNNRC Bangladesh

BNNRC − Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication endorses UNESCO declaration on a healthier, viable, better world −

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication(BNNRC) has endorsed the UNESCO International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers […].  BNNRC mission is to enable a media literate, informed and participative society so that the underserved societies can shape their lives and livelihoods.

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INTERDECOM − Given the growing interest in the values of the Declaration, our new home page is now entirely dedicated to NEWS on issues of interest pertaining to the Declaration. Regularly, new information will be published here: articles from communication organizations inviting their members to join the mobilization, initiatives to highlight, etc. To go to the former home page with the 6 versions of the Declaration: Français, Português, Español, Italiano, Deutsch, English  ▽ ▽


MÉDIATERRE INTERNATIONAL −  ORBICOM, le réseau international de chaires UNESCO en communication, parraine une déclaration pour un monde plus sain, viable, meilleur. Portée par des spécialistes, chercheuses et chercheurs en communication interpelés par l’urgence sanitaire planétaire et les crises climatiques qui se multiplient, cette déclaration est un engagement aux valeurs humanistes qui vise à mobiliser une large solidarité à travers le monde.

Montréal Campus

MONTRÉAL CAMPUS − L’UQAM parraine une déclaration internationale en communication

Avec la pandémie de la COVID-19 et les changements climatiques, la désinformation occupe une place de plus en plus inquiétante. […] La pandémie est venue exacerber les inégalités économiques et sociales. La communication n’y échappe pas.

Isarta 22
Orbicom Orbicom

ISARTA INFOS − ORBICOM, le réseau international des chaires UNESCO en communication devient le parrain de la Déclaration internationale des membres de la communauté professionnelle et scientifique en communication pour un monde plus sain, viable, meilleur.

Sircome (2)

SIRCOME − Une déclaration internationale appelle les professionnels et scientifiques en communication à s’engager pour un monde plus sain, viable, meilleur.

Terre de lumière entre mains.



ACTUALITÉS UQAM Une déclaration parrainée par ORBICOM invite les spécialistes en communication à défendre les valeurs humanistes.

Orbicom Orbicom

ORBICOM − Orbicom Sponsors an Important International Declaration

Orbicom sponsors the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World.  This important initiative aims to bring together communication researchers and practitioners around one of the most important challenges of our time.