The International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World  (INTERDECOM) brings together communications organisations from around the globe who want to play a positive and unified role in response to the continued upheavals of our times and threats facing our planet. As crises add up, harnessing the power of knowledge and know-how into a single voice that channels the promise of unity in communication around an open, inclusive and united dialogue is becoming a formidable force echoing in every region of the globe. This major worldwide commitment, the very first of its kind in the field of communications, is indeed actively present on each continent. Widely open to new possibilities. Pledging universal solidarity in communication through all adversities.

Join the commitment!

Thanks to our dedicated collaborators, the Declaration rapidly expanded its reach from initially being available in 6 languages —French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and English— to encompass 9 languages, with the inclusion of Turkish, Dutch, and Greek versions. 

Launched at a turning point in the surge of increasing planetary emergencies and crises, the Declaration unites professional and scientific communication groups in a one voice commitment to foster a better world. This tribute to harmony advocates unity, solidarity and action − for the present and the future − throughout all adversities across the planet. 

Chairs, consulting firms, specialized networks, observatories, advocacy groups, academic/research institutions, national/regional/continental associations, international/global societies − an extensive community of communications organisations commits together to help build a viable future. 

Since the launch of the Declaration, organisations' statements, events, publications and new milestones have built up, echoing as a single voice around the world. 

Press releases, organisations' announcements, posts and public attention show the ever-growing place of the Declaration in the world's communications community.


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