Important Milestone Reached in Africa:
Over 15 Communication Organisations Have Joined the Worldwide Communication Mobilization
for a Healthier World
18 January 2024 ─ INTERDECOM is pleased to announce that an important milestone has been reached in Africa in the global mobilization of communicators for a healthier world, as over 15 communication organisations are now signatories of the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World. Among them, national and regional associations, research chairs, educational institutions, media, information platforms, consulting groups.
Gathering professional and academic groups committed to using their role and expertise to fulfill the vision of a future that protects nature and celebrates our humanity, this crucial pledge unites groups from different parts of Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Southern Africa, Senegal, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tunisia, Burundi, Malawi, Maroc, Uganda.
“This large mobilization of communicators in Africa reveals that unity in communication is increasingly claimed in their ranks as it is everywhere around the globe,” said Solange Tremblay, president of INTERDECOM. Indeed, since its launch in January 2021 in the face of the planetary threats of our time, the Declaration has been endorsed by more than 150 organisations in over 45 countries, including over 15 major international organisations. “This worldwide surge of solidarity demonstrates the strength and power of a ‘one voice’ commitment in communication at a time of major global uncertainties and vulnerabilities affecting our societies in all parts of the world,” she added.
Some Signatories in Africa
- Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK)
- Public Relations Society of Tanzania (PRST)
- Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA)
- East African Communication Association (EACA)
- Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU)
- Association Marocaine du Marketing & de la Communication (AMMC)
- UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources – South Africa
- UNESCO Chair on Community Radio for Agricultural Education, Rongo University – Kenya
- Institut Supérieur d’Informatique & Département de Communication Numérique – RDC
- Université Lumière de Bujumbura & Faculté des sciences de la communication – Burundi
- Centre d’études des sciences et techniques de l’information, UCAD – Sénégal
- Africa Communications Week – Global
- BURUNDI ECO – Burundi
- International Network for equal Gender Opportunities/INGOMAG – Burundi
All professional and scientific communication organisations can join this wave of unity for a healthier world by signing the Declaration on the online form.
More information about the Declaration, its 9 languages, its impacts, and the signatories here.
About the Declaration and INTERDECOM
Launched in January 2021 to nourish hope, action and social resilience, in the midst of the global health emergency and relentless climate crises, the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World brings together communications organisations from around the world who want to play a positive and unified role in response to the continuous planetary threats besetting our world. In a unified commitment, they pledge to use their roles, expertise, and bonds of solidarity to contribute to a healthier future, both protective of nature and our humanity.
INTERDECOM, the organisation behind the Declaration, was initiated by a network of communications specialists and researchers from nine different countries, with the support of ORBICOM, the International Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication, its official sponsor.